How to Root Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (Sprint)
Since we haven’t yet made a tutorial on how to root Samsung’s Galaxy Note 2 SPH-L900 (Sprint), we’ll make a point of repairing this flaw in the next post.
We searched far and wide for the easiest steps to follow and we’ll mention all of them after a quick short paragraph regarding some details about the tool we used and the requirements needed for any rooting and unrooting of any gadget out there.
person who made our guide a reality is none other than another very talented developer. He created an Odin file that can be flashed in a matter of minutes (if you’re quick with such things). Even if the warranty of your device will no longer be there after the rooting ends, you can say hello to it once more after you unroot your handset (our website has a tutorial on this procedure).
Here are the pre-requisites we touched upon briefly: download and Odin and then check if the battery needs a refilling; do it if that’s the case. This leaves us with the steps below; follow each and every one of them with the utmost concentration (if you’re a beginner, it may take a while until you have a rooted smartphone in your hands, but this “while” won’t turn into an eternity).
- For the first step to kick into action you are asked to place the files (the ones downloaded for our requirements) and then extract their content to the desktop.
- Once they are in that place, you have to start Odin tool using the double-click method. This action will help the file open, so have some patience.
- [sc name=”banner-jos”]Now work with the PDA key and, for step number three, choose the CF-Root file (you’ll locate it on the desktop). When that’s done, check F. Reset Time and Auto Reboot in Odin. Switch the Galaxy Note 2 off.
- Use the buttons for Home, Volume Down and Power by simultaneously holding all of them down; after the handset reboots thanks to this action, you will be required to plug the handset to the laptop and hit Start.
- The flashing will commence. After this process finishes, you can step aside and leave the phone to reboot on its own. Once the rebooting ends, you will have a fully rooted Galaxy Note 2 L900.
- Now simply install an app named Root Checker and use it to see whether the rooting happened or if you need to repeat the process again from step one. If you decide to install a custom recovery image, like ClockWorkMod Recovery or TWRP Recovery, you can use our guide.