How to unroot Motorola Droid RAZR HD (Verizon)
If you’re not too thrilled about losing your phone’s warranty after a rooting procedure, then you can restore said warranty by performing an unrooting. Which can be done with the help of a tutorial. We prepared one over at for users of Motorola Droid RAZR HD (Verizon).
Allowing your handset to experience such a process will be extremely beneficial if you want to gain back not only the lost warranty, but also the factory settings which were included on this phone. So don’t waste any more time on finding out how to experience your device as it was when you first bought it.
before jumping on the train of this guide, please read about something called requirements. Especially since they are the ones which will make sure that the unrooting goes according to plan. Here is the first pre-requisite: . Second requirement: your Droid RAZR HD (Verizon) must have been rooted via a guide we ourselves wrote. If you use a tutorial explained by someone else, then this procedure today is not going to go that well.
That’s it for the pre-requisites. Once you’ve read about them and complied with them, you should follow the steps below so that you can unroot your smartphone as easily as possible. The whole process won’t take too much of your time.
Important instructions
- Step one tells you that you need to download and install an app called ES File Explorer on your Droid RAZR HD. After the installation you must go to the App Drawer and open the app from there. After you do that, you will have to tap on Menu.
- [sc name=”banner-jos”]Opt for Settings and search an option called Root settings appears. When it does, you will need to tap on it and then activate the options it contains.
- For the third step you will be asked the following: get back to the phone’s main menu, find /system/app/ and then see if you spot an app labeled Superuser.apk.
- Step four: when you find this file, delete it and go to the following folder: /system/bin. Erase a file you’ll see there named “su”. Now go to /system/xbin.
- Upon seeing it, the fifth step will urge you to delete it, too.
- The last action you need to perform goes like this: reboot the phone and wait for it to come back to life. When it does that, your Droid RAZR HD will have been unrooted. Which is exactly what we wanted to teach you.