How to Unroot Dell XCD28
If you have nothing better to do and want to test out how your Dell XCD28 would act like rooted, then you need to head over to our guide on how to root this phone. But if you want something completely different, by which we mean a tutorial on how to unroot this device, keep reading this post and you will find out in no time at all.
What we will talk about today is addressed to all of you who want the warranty of their phone back; and also to those of you who preferred the settings that originally came with the XCD28 from their creators.
Another benefit of an unrooting operation is the fact that you will be able to, once more, install and play with root-only apps, grab custom ROMs and many more possibilities. If that sounds good to you, then continue reading this post.
Now we shall let you in on a secret: every tutorial ever written by ourselves comes with pre-requisites. The ones which apply to the Dell XCD28 go like this: own a device that’s been rooted via a tutorial which you’ll find on our site, download a file named on the laptop you use daily and then charge the battery that’s integrated on the phone. Don’t forget to make a backup using this tutorial. The latter action will save you a lot of time, trust us.
With that we conclude our part on the requirements. Which leaves us with some steps that you must follow in order to have your Dell XCD28 unrooted once and for all.
Important instructions
- For the very first step which welcomes this tutorial you will have to place the z4Root APK file, that you needed to download before, on your comp’s desktop. Check to see if it’s indeed in that location, then plug the phone to your laptop with the USB cord that belongs to this model. Now go to the APK file from earlier, copy it, then paste it to the smartphone’s SD card root (don’t send it anywhere else). That was it for step number one.
- Now on to step number two telling you to wait for the transfer to happen, then to unplug the Dell XCD28 from your laptop.
- For step number three, your task is simple: turn on, on your handset, the option named Unknown sources; to do so, just go to the phone’s Menu, tap on Settings, click on Applications and then choose the Unknown sources option.
- [sc name=”banner-jos”]Now that you’re done with the latter actions, the next step, which is the fourth, will require you to do as follows: use a File Manager to install the APK file we’ve kept on mentioning in this tutorial. Then, when that file is where it should be, you need to launch it; for that, you should go to Menu. Once it’s open, your next move is this: tap on UnRoot.
- Wait for the Dell XCD28 to go into the unrooting procedure; this won’t take long. At the end of all of the above, your smartphone is going to finally reach that stage you’ve been dreaming about ever since you rooted it.