Update Galaxy Note 3 Duos SM-N9008V to Android 4.3 ZMUBML2

Want to get all the best of Android 4.3 straight on your Galaxy Note 3 Duos SM-N9008V? We are here today to help you install ZMUBML2 which was launched this month.

This new firmware was created so that owners of this smartphone living in China can upgrade their device to the Android 4.3 without getting a headache.

In order to flash this ZMUBML2, you can use OTA or our guide. For the former, your smartphone must have a stock ROM featured on it. And you should keep in mind that our tutorial is compatible only with the Samsung SM-N9008V; should your device differ from this model, you will brick it.

The new firmware comes, as usual, with loads of goodies for your phone. The ones which are the most important are the following: no bugs, a new features as well as new app, a great performance due to the many tweaks and options, enhanced battery life thanks to loads of numerous tweaks, plenty of customization options as being the most important goodies you’ll be able to use.

If the smartphone has root access, the latter will be revoked. The system partition of your handset is also going to be affected; more precisely, it shall be deleted. The internal and external SD cards, though, will be spared; as will the handset’s important content.


Let’s now concentrate on these requirements:

  • in the eventuality of low battery levels, fully charge your phone;
  • in case your handset is running various security programs, turn them off for this guide;
  • do the same for the security software running on your laptop;
  • turn USB Debugging on;
  • there should be several backups created (among them a normal and a full NANDroid one);
  • you should make sure to have USB drivers for this handset downloaded on your notebook;
  • the latter must be running Windows.

Step by step instructions

The wait is now over. Below you will be introduced to the steps which make the update possible.

  1. We’ll start with the first one which needs this from you: China version to download on your laptop. Then download another package on the latter: Odin. They have to be unzipped on the notebook.
  2. WinZip and WinRar will help with this, so choose one of them, then enter your Galaxy Note 3 Duos N9008V in Download Mode by doing this: simultaneously press and hold Volume Down, Home and Power; after a boot screen pops up, you should press Volume Up and you will be done with this step.
  3. So continue with the next one telling you to plug the smartphone to your laptop. You will need to use your handset’s USB cable for this part. Once “Added!!” and an ID:COM box in yellow are shown on the display, you will know that a connection has been established. If not, solve this by using a different USB port or installing the USB drivers one more time on your notebook.
  4. We recommend the following set of tasks for the upcoming step: after you tap BL, select a file with BL in the name, click on AP, opt for a file with AP in the name, tap CP, opt for a file with CP in its name, tap CSC, choose a file which has CSC in the name, tap PIT and choose a file with an extension called .pit.
  5. After this is done, you need to activate F. Reset Time, Auto Reboot and Re-partition.
  6. What comes next is this: once you click on “Start“, you have to wait until the ZMUBML2 is flashed on the Galaxy Note 3 Duos SM-N9008V.
  7. [sc name=”banner-jos”]After the flashing is finished, you have to have some more patience because the handset is going to restart. Then it will have a “Pass” message on the touchscreen, meaning this: you need to unplug the smartphone from the laptop because the former is now installed with the new firmware.
  8. Which you can find only if you search for it like this: on your phone, make sure to tap Settings and then click on About Phone.

The smartphone may not be the same with the new firmware. If you feel like the previous ROM was loads better, retrieve it by using the NANDroid backup. This move will revoke the upgrade procedure, though.

Feel free to leave comments or questions in the comment section under this tutorial.