Install ClockworkMod Recovery on Samsung Conquer 4G SPH-D600

Do you enjoy your Samsung Conquer 4G SPH-D600 to bits and you want to install a custom recovery image on it? Very good, we will comply to your desire in this tutorial.

At the end of it you will be able to add new mods, install custom ROMs and so on. But, if you should see that something is not quite right about the whole thing, you will find that it’s possible to go back to the original version firmware. So just take a look at the requirements below and then follow the steps we will introduce you to afterwards.


Here are the files which need to feature on your handset and on your laptop so that the procedure doesn’t go awry: , , and . The first two are apps situated in Google Play.

After you’ve downloaded all four of them, root the Samsung Conquer 4G using our tutorial. Once you are ready to go with our guide, then read the following steps and everything will be alright.Samsung-Conquer-4G

Important instructions

  1. According to the very first step, you will be asked to install the Terminal Emulator and the ES File Explorer on the Conquer 4G (Sprint version) and then place the Asset File and the CWM Recovery Image on the laptop’s desktop. The do the following: click on the Asset File and extract everything that’s inside it to the desktop.
  2. [sc name=”banner-jos”]See if there is a file going by the name of flash_image. If yes, take time in plugging the smartphone to the computer; when these two are connected to each other, the flash_image and the CWM Recovery Image files will need to be copied to phone’s memory card, choosing the root.
  3. Step three looks like this: take the Conquer 4G SPH-D600 out from the laptop, then open the ES File Explorer app.
  4. For step number four you will need to send the flash_image file to this location: /data/local/directory and then close the ES File Explorer app; now go to the App Drawer, launch the Terminal Emulator one and enter:
    /data/local/flash_image recovery /sdcard/CWMR.img
    mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock9 /system
    mount | grep system
    chmod 444 /system/etc/

    into it. After you’re done with that, don’t worry if there’s an error after you type in the very last command.
  5. You can proceed to the last step, the fifth, by rebooting the Conquer 4G SPH-D600. And this concludes the tutorial and allows you to make good use of the ClockworkMod Recovery now installed on the phone.