Root LG Lucid 4G to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

If you are interested in how to root your LG Lucid 4G to the Ice Cream Sandwich operating system, we will tell you the best and easiest ways to do it. But, to achieve that, you first have to take into account some requirements.


First things first, you should use a laptop or a computer that runs the Windows OS. Then you need to turn every single security tool on both your smartphone and your PC off. After which it’s advisable to start the USB debugging of the phone.

Then make a backup, on the LG Lucid 4G, off all the very important data you are going to need later on. Last but not least, make sure the battery on the handset is 100% charged. You need to remember that the rooting process will void the phone’s warranty. But despair not, there are several possibilities to bring it back: either do a downgrade to the first version of the phone’s ROM or get the latest ROM from the website. But, most important of all, don’t use this guide on another smartphone. If you do, though, you will damage that gadget.LG-Lucid-4G

And so, here is what you need to do in order to root your LG Lucid 4G to Google’s Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS. Follow the steps below the exact order they are laid out in.

Important instructions

  1. Step 1 is simple: download the , then save the root file on a laptop or a computer.
  2. For step number 2 you have to, after you’ve enabled the USB debugging option we mentioned before, connect the phone to your laptop via the USB cable that comes with the handset.
  3. For the third step you need to use your comp and find a folder called LG Lucid Root. You must access this directory and execute the RunMe.bat file available in this folder.
  4. Which will bring you to step number 4: use the same comp and click the option called Enter; now all you have to do is wait until the process finishes. After it’s done with, you need to disconnect the phone from your laptop. The way to do that is to unplug the phone’s USB cable.
  5. For the final step, which is number 5, you need to download an app going by the name of Root Checker. You will find it in Google Play. This is a tool which helps you see if the handset went through a great rooting process or not.

  • Luna

    It finds the phone, but it says it is “Checking if I run in normal mode or special sony mode. Please connect your device with USB-Debugging enable now.” I do have USB debugging on, and it is in charging mode. No luck.