Install MMuzzy ROM on Google Nexus 4 (LG E960)
Having problems installing a custom ROM on your smartphone? Or is there a specific tool you want to get on it?
You should try our tutorial for today, because we discuss how to install MMuzzy ROM on Google’s Nexus 4 (LG E960). Don’t worry about bugs and such: this instrument is safe from this point of view.
pre-requisites which are due here are the following: generate a backup, have your phone rooted, take a look at the battery of the device and charge it if it’s reached its minimum low, then download , and , install a custom recovery image on your handset (the best option is called ClockworkMod Recovery) and see whether or not your Nexus 4 has its bootloader unlocked. Also, when rooting this model use a tutorial written by us.
Having read and acknowledged the above requirements, you should now see what steps you need so that your smartphone features the MMuzzy ROM from now on.
Important instructions
- Step one introduces you to these actions which must be followed accordingly: copy MMuzzy ROM and Google Apps package to the phone’s internal memory card.
- Then switch the Nexus 4 off and enter in the Recovery mode. Which can be reached if you perform these instruction: keep pressed the buttons for Volume Down, Volume Up and Power (for about 5 seconds), wait for Fastboot Mode to appear and, when that happens, select the option called Recovery with the help of the buttons for Volume and then click on Power.
- For step 3, these actions are in order: generate a full NANDroid backup by choosing Backup&Restore and then tapping on Backup.
- Wipe the data by following some short operations (choose one of them): for a full wipe you have to opt for Factory Reset/Wipe Data and tap on Yes; choose Wipe Cache Partition and click on Yes, then choose Advanced, select Wipe Dalvik Cache and opt for Yes.
- [sc name=”banner-jos”]For flashing Superwipe, you should copy Super_Wipe_Galaxy_Nexus archive to the phone’s memory card, then choose the installation of the archive using the phone’s memory card > Choose ZIP form SD Card > choose the Super_Wipe_Galaxy_Nexus file and tap on Yes.
- Opt for the installation of the archive using the device’s memory card and then Choose Zip from SD card, select mako_signed_010213_132048 .zip and choose Yes. Now tap on Install ZIP from SD card, select Choose ZIP from SD card, opt for Google Apps package and tap on Yes.
- Final step: choose Go Back and opt for phone’s restarting to end the process.
The Google Nexus 4 (LG E960) you own finally has the MMuzzy ROM installed on it.