How to unroot Samsung Galaxy Premier I9260
Where there’s a rooting, there’s an unrooting as well. Which is awesome, because there comes a time when the user who rooted their device is not in the least satisfied with what he’s accomplished; meaning that he wants to regain the initial settings he liked so much or he wishes to see the warranty back on his phone/tablet.
For those of you in distress we have this guide on how to unroot Samsung’s Galaxy Premier I9260.
info which is required before following our tutorial is also crucial. It tells you that it’s best to performing this procedure on a Premier GT-I9260 which was rooted with one of our guides and that the smartphone’s battery shouldn’t be empty (so be sure to charge it to its maximum). Don’t forget to generate a full backup with your important data.
As for the rest of our guide, here’s how it goes.
Important instructions
- Step one needs you to download Odin tool and . These two files are very important in the grand scheme of things. Then, after they’re downloaded, you have to place them and extract their files to this location: your laptop’s desktop. When you are asked to open the tool required for flashing your phone, you will need to execute the Odin tool via the Windows OS default’s method: the double click.
- Then comes step number two, for which you are instructed to find PDA, tap on it and move on to the third step.
- Opt for the Stock Firmware file and check-mark Auto Reboot; then do the same for F. Reset Time.
- For step four you need to inactivate Repartition and then turn the Premier off so that you can quickly select and keep pressed the keys labelled Home, Volume Down and Power; these three buttons need to be pressed at the same time in order to send the phone into Download Mode. When they are in that mode, you will have to continue this guide by tapping on Volume Up.
- [sc name=”banner-jos”]Step five comes just in time to let you know that you are required the following: employ the phone’s USB cord to work as a way to plug the phone to your laptop. And, once the devices are bound together, you should tap on Start.
- The firmware is going to be flashed. Your role will be to watch as the process unfolds.
- Step seven: it’s the phone’s turn to reboot, which marks the end of the procedure and the unrooting of your Galaxy Premier GT-I9260.
From now on you should have no trouble experiencing all the lost settings you cared so much about.