How to Check if an Android application is Safe to Install
There are a lot of apps that you can install on your Android smartphone once you buy one. Each of these applications is either very helpful in a certain situation, they provide fun if you’re bored and so on. But there are many cases where an app can also affect your device in a negative way. Like infect it with malware. So how can we know if such a tool is safe to install? Find out more on the matter below.
We recently came across a web tool which proved to be of great help in such a case. It was created by the team at ThreatLabZ and you don’t have to pay to get it. Its name is Zscaler Application Profiler. Its short name is ZAP. We tested it on an Android handset and we got the desired effect quickly, because the Zscaler Application Profiler is one of the easiest to use tools of its kind.
- Here is what you have to do to employ it: , then insert the name of the app you wish to see whether it’s safe to install or not. Then wait a couple of seconds until you will see a response. Sometimes the tool not provide any results. In this situation, you must check the application in the manual mode.
The latter action is done by checking the official web page of the application located on the Apple App store or from the Google Play.
- You will find, if you access the Zscaler Application Profiler internal database, various info on applications. Each of this info has to do with certain areas, such a possible problems with the content privacy or with user authentication, so on. In the case of the former, you will find out if the app you wish to get has privacy problems. The second area deals with info regarding the possibility that the app to offer supplemental data about the identity of a gadget or about the user identity.
- The authentication option tells the Android user if the app keeps the passwords and username in plain text. The real problem can appear if the application doesn’t send these private info via an encryption that is not that strong. The plain text can be accessed by a hacker without problems.
- Finally, the personally identifiable information leakage part informs us if the app we look for use your personal data for illegal activities. For example, your device can send your private date to the producer of the application, so on.
In the end, this is all you have to know on how to spot if an app for your Android gadget is free of threats or not.